Wuhan-34 strain of rabies virus was successfully propagated in primary chick embryo cell culture. It's immunogenicity has shown that it can compare with that of the fixed virus aG strain used for hamster kidney cell rabies vaccines production in our country. 初步成功地培植出一株适应原代鸡胚细胞,具有与国内目前生产地鼠肾细胞疫苗的aG株固定毒相仿的免疫原性的组织培养疫苗株&武汉(Wuhan)34株。
The Adaptation of Rabies Virus, Strains in Vero Cell Morphological study for the different strains of fixed rabies virus 狂犬病固定毒Vero细胞适应株的建立狂犬病病毒不同毒株的形态学研究